If you're feeling emotionally challenged this week, you're not alone. This week, the Strength card visits in response to this energy, with some timely guidance to help us navigate gracefully through the turbulent waters of eclipse season.

This past year, we've all been working hard on our healing. As we journey through collective awakening, so many of us have been working with our shadows, trying our best to transcend unhealthy behaviours and evolve in emotional maturity.
We've been doing pretty well...until eclipse season hit. Now, we're in the depths of scorpionic waters, being challenged to integrate all that we've learned.
Past patterns are being dredged up, uncovering old wounds. This is turbulent energy to navigate and it's hard on our emotions. But now is when it really counts.
We can recite any manner of spiritual wisdoms about patience, tolerance and forgiveness, about boundaries and trust, but when the earthly realm challenges us to put these learnings into action, how do we respond? Do we practice what we preach? Or do we default to the behaviour that we thought we'd moved beyond?
This time calls for immense strength of character. Understand that your emotions are being tested right now. Acknowledge your discomfort. Recognise your fear. Practice patience, love and empathy. Be gentle and show kindness to yourself and others. Take your time.
Although it's difficult, this time is a gift - once we move through it, we'll have achieved a new level of healing.
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Deck: Aquarius Tarot by Dawn Aquarius
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